Casa Rana: Our House in PV
Getting to Know Casa Rana

Concerto in Hotel Saint Angel. Four hours earlier we were winding our way over the mountains to PV. Mexico has always been a land of contrasts for us.
Taking the fast lane to the a new life. We drove to Puerto Vallarta on August 9, 2010 to move Karen and Lilly into Casa Rana. It was the second of our moving trips and the Iron Duke, our 1996 136,000 mile Jeep, was stuffed to the gills this time as well. We covered 1500 miles and were in PV by 4:00PM on day three. We threw our stuff in Casa Rana as fast as we could and two hours later we were at a mini-concert in PV’s most exclusive hotel, three blocks down the street. Later we had dinner at my favorite restaurant, Barcelona, four blocks in the other direction from our house. We swayed our way back to Casa Rana that night, feeling that we were in the middle of everything. The next morning we found out that “everything” included a far away rooster, a way-too-close barking dog, and a neighborhood that liked to get up early on Sunday mornings. After an all day shopping trip the next day to the Walmart, CostCo, and the Sariana market, I was on the plane back to Los Angeles and my girls were starting their lives in Puerto Vallarta. If the first couple of days were any view to the future, something told me that KR’s life in PV would be anything but leisurely.
The following pictures are the “before” pictures, showing Casa Rana as it was when we bought it and immediately upon moving in. It’s going to change pretty rapidly.

My motto: "Happy wife, happy life." KR in front of Casa Rana. This view is of Calle Corona, toward the beach.

Looking north on Calle Miramar. Casa Rana is on the left. This street is one of only two ways to get to the house.

In the center of the house is an open courtyard. When it rains, one needs an umbrella to get to the spare bedroom and office
The house is so beautiful. What a gem!
Incredible Walti adventures…glad I was able to catch up on all you have been up to…amazing. I’m even tired and I didn’t do anything. 🙂
beautiful home!!
Last time I saw Lily, was at a Starbuck’s in Hollywood
Fred, wow, DOUBLE WOW. House is awesome, but I love the site too! When you first launched it, it got me to thinking it would be something I wanted to do. Then I went to blogworld and was further inspired. This week, I jumped in. Love for you to check it out. Glad to see all is well. You can bet I will take you up on a visit!
Joe- Nice to hear from you. Your site looks great. You should come to PV some time as the fishing is great there as well.