On Meetings, Mexico, the (new) Mayor and (new) Motorcycles

The King is Dead. Long Live the King! Our last episode ended with Now Voyager making it back to LA. One week later he had a new owner. Before moving on, he set a new record: 730 miles in one day and averaging about 100 mph for more than an hour. He acquitted himself with honors on his last mission. Here he gets his first wash after getting back from Guatemala by our neighbor in Puerto Vallarta.
It’s difficult to summarize this past winter’s events. Where’s the theme in it all? It started with the following two-week travel sequence: DC – LAX- PV – Mexico City- PV – Guadalajara- LAX. The trip included meeting with the White House’s most senior energy staff and being told…”We talk about LACI all the time here. There’s no one doing anything like you guys…” I know that and $1.65 will get me a small Starbucks, but it was nice to hear anyway and certainly a 180 degree change from just three years ago. The trips also included signing an MOU with the Mayor of Los Angeles in Mexico City and being told “You’re exceeding expectations, Fred” by the Mayor. Please remember that when we’re asking for more money from the City to support LACI, I’m thinking:) Oh, and we began building a Global Innovation Network (GIN) which now has members in Germany and Mexico, soon to add Italy and the rest of Europe. And I’m part of the Mayor’s delegation on his upcoming trip to Asia this fall.
South of the border, KR has become a world-class inn keeper as the Corona Adobe/Little Big Sur vacation rental business has exploded. No one is more surprised than KR and I at this new development. Corona Adobe has become a very popular B&W to the point that KR has had to escape to LBS because the house was fully rented. That option soon disappeared as well since the Corona Adobe/LBS “metropolitan living and jungle escape combo package” has been very popular. Last week KR had to stay in a PV hotel because we had no space in our own home or out at LBS. KR is coming to LA for the month of April partly because there’s no room in PV. And to see Her Man, of course.
All work and no play makes for a dull boy (which I’ve been accused of being), so there’s been a fair amount of that including a couple of days in PV with friends (Puerto Vallarta is just a great, great town), a Saturday night bar crawl like I only vaguely remember in my youth, and….. A NEW MOTORCYCLE!
We welcomed Now Voyager II into the family about a week ago. He’s a 2014 BMW GS with every gadget, gizmo and option that the German’s could think of:) I spent about two months evaluating various choices for the Walti’s new DreamMobile, but settled on the biggest, fastest, heaviest, and most expensive alternative. Go figure. He’s so big that I’m thinking of getting special elevator shoes made:) None the less, he’s handsome, fast, comfortable and handles great. Why has it taken me all these years to man-up and get a GS? Go figure.
Maybe the theme for this winter is it’s been a time of transitions. LACI is growing up — in size, footprint and reputation. One of these days it will be a real force to be reckoned with. Our life in PV has transitioned to that of part-time/ full-effort inn keeper which has pretty much changed what KR does south of the border. We’ve shifted to a new motorcycle, leaving the stressed-out Now Voyager behind and welcoming the fully-capable Now Voyager II into the fold. And, as we all face the challenges of growing up (finally?), we lost two of our friends this winter. One, Jack Foster, was one of the greatest creative people I’ve ever worked with. He certainly set the standard for how to have fun and do great work. Not a bad legacy.

The year started with my first ever Chinese New Years (its the Year of the Horse ) formal celebration. This one was given by Hong Kong’s Trade and Invest group out of LA. It was quite a fascinating experience as I was one of the few non Chinese heritage folks. Pretty crazy dragons manned by young women danced and danced. I got tired just watching.

“Fireside Chat” with the new Secretary of the Department of Energy in Washington DC at the ARPA-E conference. It’s a great conference, brimming with mind-boggling innovation.

Walking past the White House after a meeting at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. It was sunny, but nippy out. Barack asked me to stay for dinner, but I had something already booked. Next time.

How can the coolest motorcycle themed bar that I’ve been in is located in Washington DC? The Iron Horse Tap Room has the best collection of pristine 60’s and 70’s era motorcycles that I’ve come across. One of my all time favorite bars, but I doubt that there was a motorcyclist in the place.

Reception in Mexico City welcoming the Mayor’s “Invest L.A. “delegation” It was held in Carlos Slim’s museum named after his wife. Very, very nice.

The Mayor, Eric Garcetti, giving the last speech of the day. His schedule was packed — eight meetings each day for two days straight — and he was brilliant in each and every one. Antonio was pretty damn good on his feet, but Eric is better, giving off a lot of warmth.

I didn’t get much chance to see Mexico City aside from a brief walk in Polanco, one of Mexico City’s most upscale neighborhoods. Walking the streets you’d think you’re in some European city as well-off Mexicans are very stylish people. This is the view from the Argentine steak house that I had lunch at.

The sweet smell of cement. LACI’s 60,000 sa. ft. La Kretz Innovation Campus under construction. Move-in date is summer 2015.

Morton La Kretz and his daughter Linda visit their namesake. You haven’t lived until you’ve walked around a site in a DWP hard hat.

need to make sure the place is spic and span for the guests. My favorite inn keeper preps for new guests

It’ can be dangerous in Mexico; you never know what’s going to jump you. Here a man-shaped iguana gets ready to pounce.

This is the face of someone who’s going to pick up his new motorcycle. At the train station waiting to go to Orange, CA.:)

The second stop after NV’s meal is Ryan Reza, the ultimate BMW doctor. We (OK, he attached I watched) extra gas tanks and tool tubes among other gadgets and gizmos.

There are few better moments in life: a screwdriver and reading over the new owners manuals after a first day’s ride:)))))
And the beat goes on. Thanks for the very interesting catch up!
Fred – Thanks for the fabulous update, as always! Enjoy NV II!
Hey, FW can your feet reach the ground on this
new bike? When will you be in LA again?? CB
Fred Your luck just changed with that 1200 GS, no more midnight E mails from Zambowango telling us you are busted down. Good Going. Bruce
Hi Fred,
Very fancy new motorcycle !!! I notice you have it outfitted for more adventures 😉
No wonder we haven’t heard from KR, she is busy collecting the dough from the B and W business…yay for her success !
Congrats to KR on the B&W. Now that you built Casa PV and it seems to be occupied by others, will you build your own PV hide-away?
Kudos for you on the LACI and GIN success! Going global is where it is. Hopefully, the Emerging countries will grasp this reality.
May NV2 meet your expactations.
Both of you are amazing. Your reports have become my favorite reading material.
On a personal note, would you tell us which vitamins you take, and the dosage.
Great new about the B&B, I had no doubt about its success.
Fred congrats on he new bike. Nothing but the BEST! It becomes you. Cheers!